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Russell and Ciara Wilson Announce R&C Fragrance

R&C Fragrance by Russell and Ciara Wilson

There’s a new fragrance in town.

Ciara, along with her husband, Russell Wilson, recently announced a brand new fragrance that resulted from a quarantine date night. The fragrance, R&C, reflects their loving union and features two scents. One scent is masculine, the other feminine. They can be worn separately but also work powerfully well together.

The prominent “together” theme is even reflected in the bottle design! The two scents are intertwined in such a way that the bottles almost appear to be kissing. Isn’t this indicative of their love story? The Wilsons are both powerful individuals but together, they are an unstoppable brand and complement each other so well.

The price point for this paired fragrance is $90 (which would be $45 per bottle, for the math heads out there) and that’s a great price point for fragrances.

If you need holiday gift ideas, this would be a great one. The fragrance goes on sale starting today and can be purchased here.